
1          Who was the first prime minister of Bangladesh?
2          Which is the longest highway in the world?
3          Which is the biggest desert in the world?
4          Which country also known as “country of copper”?
5          Which river flows out into the Caspian Sea?
6          Which is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea?
7          Which is the oldest known city of the world?
8          Which is the biggest island of the world?
9          Which city is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world?
10      Which country is the largest producer of manganese in the world?
11      After what Mount Everest was named?
12      Which country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world?
13      How much the length of the Suez Canal?
14      Which is the largest ocean of the world?
15      By whom Australia was discovered?
16      Which country has highest population density?
17      What is the national flower of Italy?
18      What is the national flower of China?
19      In which date observed World Environment Day?
20      By whom Singapore was founded?

                                             *Can"t any answer?Click here